Publishing Agents Meet Your Contemporary Needs


Whole Lifecyle Writer Coaching  'It's About You'

Develop Your 'Writerly Self' Transpersonal and Transformative Coaching, Lectures and Workshops.  Apply Literary Theoretical Perspectives to Your Approach as a Writer.  Enhance Your Grammatology and Language.  Culture and Communications Specialist and Published Author Professional and Creative Literature.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses, be mentored through the personal empowerment process of developing your creative expression with intention and a direction of personal and professional production of your creativity.


E Writer- Blogger? 

Starting out in Cyber World or wanting to learn the technical aspects of virtual worlds writing and publishing?  Learn how to write clear copy and usability access content for websites.  Learn and apply the science and practise of online writing.


Want to Publish Your Creative and Literary Projects?

We Can Manage and Mentor Your End To End Project Production Process

The end-to end process of writing, design and film making is elusive to many who desire to focus on just one or few areas of their life pursuits.  Depending on who you are, your knowledge deficit and needs for publishing may vary from others and project to project.  End to end Publishing Coaching - offers agency services tailored to your specific requirements. 
You are walked through your project plan and given the best service to ensure the best success can be achieved for you.
If seeking agency representation to publish - you will require a book proposal.  We can assist your development of this, whether or not you desire our representation to Publishing Houses. 
Our representation of your work for publishing may also be possible - we will represent titles for new and already published authors if the competency, calibre and quality of your project and professional commitment is established. We also independently receive solicitations for publishing representation accompanied by a book proposal.
For those of you who are still testing the waters - we are here for you at every phase of your development and your project.


Self publishing Options 

Our agency will manage your self publishing process for you, or walk you through your first publishing project.
Self published authors should have a clear concept of their business strategy to know if this is the right choice and how to proceed.  This knowledge is more effective early in the writing process - not left to the end. 
Self publishing has in recent times become affordable - thanks to the web and Print on Demand services.  Yet it may or may not be suitable for you or your project, depending on your unique needs.  Many people become confused by the 'business side' of writing and publishing and don't quite know what is necessary and what is best for their project aims.  Other writers are too busy with the act of creative writing and want someone to take care of the details. 
Ultimately a self publisher who does not engage professional services will require to take care of the legal, sales and marketing aspects of their project as well as present a professional copy edited version of their manuscript in a clean electronic text format to a self publisher.  Decisions of style, size, specifications, colour, graphics, distribution and print runs will have to be addressed as will any purchase of hard or paper back copies.  E book versions and language translations may also be considered.  
Published authors concerned about royalties or new authors who have a highly developed commitment may consider self publishing.  People who have personal creative projects or club memberships that have narrow publishing markets may choose to self publish.  As well as walking you through the process we offer a range of add on professional services such as legal, editing, graphic and book design, marketing and promotions when and if you need them.

Want Expert Level Qualifications, Skills and Experience from your Agency?

Vivienne utilises her transpersonal cultural change, business, legal, education and writing skills and experience in many facets of publishing, media and promotions to bring a unique agency service to her clients.


Vivienne is a published author who has 25 years of professional writing experience across most genres.  She has provided teaching instruction, cognitive science, usability, readability, design and process in education, corporate and community to thousands of people internationally.  She has designed and delivered instruction, multi media, film, and literature and has been recognised as a leading consultant for web and corporate knowledge management, communications and strategic culture and change management. 


Vivienne has Masters level qualifications in Arts Literary, Law Philosophies, International Relations and Sustainability Change Management.  Her professional career covers information communications and systems, marketing, human resource and management training as well as specialist reviews and cultural transformation and restructure for governments, organizations and culture community projects.  Vivienne has also studied transpersonal and alternative therapies and has been a Spiritual mentor, creative and empowerment facilitator for 15 years including self help and motivation workshops.




Literary and Film